Shaker R1, Kern M, Bardan E, Taylor A, Stewart ET, Hoffmann RG, Arndorfer RC, Hofmann C, Bonnevier J.Author information
1Medical College of Wisconsin Dysphagia Institute, Department of Medicine, Milwaukee, USA.Citation
Am J Physiol. 1997 Jun;272(6 Pt 1):G1518-22.Augmentation of deglutitive upper esophageal sphincter opening in the elderly by exercise.
Earlier studies have shown that the cross-sectional area of the deglutitive upper esophageal sphincter (UES) opening in healthy asymptomatic elderly individuals is reduced compared with healthy young volunteers.
以前の研究で、健常な無症候性の高齢者の嚥下時に開大する上部食道括約筋(UES)の断面領域が健常な若いボランティアと比較して減少していることが示されたThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of a head-raising exercise on swallow-induced UES opening and hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure in the elderly.
本研究の目的は、頭部挙上運動の効果を高齢者の嚥下時UES開口具合と下咽頭内圧にて示すことであるWe studied a total of 31 asymptomatic healthy elderly subjects by videofluoroscopy and manometry before and after real (19 subjects) and sham (12 subjects) exercises.
我々は、合計31人(19人の真の被験者と12人の偽の被験者)の健康な無症候性高齢者を対象とし、exの前後に、VFとマノメトリー(嚥下圧検査)を用いて評価したA significant increase was found in the magnitude of the anterior excursion of the larynx, the maximum anteroposterior diameter, and the cross-sectional area of the UES opening after the real exercise (P < 0.05).
ex前と比べ、ex後では喉頭が大きく前上方へ動き、UESの最大前後直径および断面領域に有意な増加を認めた(P < 0.05)These changes were associated with a significant decrease in the hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure studied in 12 (real-exercise) and 6 (sham-exercise) subjects (P < 0.05).
これらの変化は、シャキアex群の12人と非シャキアex群の6人の被験者で比較した下咽頭クリアランスと嚥下圧の研究において有意な減少と関係していた (P < 0.05)A similar effect was not found in the sham-exercise group.
類似の効果は、非シャキアex群では見つからなかった。In normal elderly subjects, deglutitive UES opening is amenable to augmentation by exercise aimed at strengthening the UES opening muscles.
正常な高齢被験者において、嚥下時UESの開口範囲は、輪状咽頭筋の開大を目的とする運動(シャキアex)によって、増加する。This augmentation is accompanied by a significant decrease in hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure, indicating a decrease in pharyngeal outflow resistance.
開口範囲の増加により、下咽頭の内部ボーラス圧は有意な減少を伴う(押し込みがよくなるということだと思います)This approach may be helpful in some patients with dysphagia due to disorders of deglutitive UES opening.
このアプローチは、嚥下性UESの障害をもつ一部の嚥下障害患者で有効かもしれないPMID 9227489 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]